
Advanced WooCommerce Reporting

  • Free & Original product!
  • You will be given files that remain unaltered and unedited
  • 100% Clean Files & Free From Virus
  • Unlimited Domain Usage
  • Free New Version
  • Product Version : 5.9
  • Product Last Updated : 21.06.2021
  • License : GPL




  1. Sales Overview: Get a comprehensive view of your store’s sales performance, including total sales, average order value, and the number of orders over a specific time period.
  2. Product Sales Report: View detailed reports on individual product sales, including top-selling products, low-performing products, and stock levels.
  3. Category Sales Report: Analyze sales by product categories, helping you identify which product categories are performing well and which ones may need attention.
  4. Customer Insights: Understand your customer base with reports on customer demographics, purchase history, and lifetime value. This can help with targeted marketing efforts.
  5. Revenue and Profit Analysis: Track revenue and profit margins to gauge the financial health of your store. You can break down profits by products, categories, or time periods.
  6. Order Analysis: Analyze order data to identify trends, such as the most popular payment methods, shipping methods, and order status breakdowns.
  7. Coupon and Discount Analysis: Evaluate the effectiveness of your discount and coupon campaigns by tracking usage and their impact on sales.
  8. Abandoned Cart Reports: Identify and recover potentially lost sales by tracking abandoned carts and understanding the reasons behind cart abandonment.
  9. Inventory Management: Keep track of your inventory levels and receive notifications when products are running low or out of stock.
  10. Customizable Dashboards: Create custom dashboards with widgets to display the most relevant data for your business. This allows you to focus on key metrics.
  11. Export and Sharing: Export reports in various formats (CSV, PDF, etc.) for further analysis or sharing with team members and stakeholders.
  12. Multi-store Support: If you have multiple WooCommerce stores, some reporting tools may offer consolidated reports, making it easier to manage and analyze data across all your stores.
  13. Scheduled Reports: Set up automated report scheduling, so you receive important sales and performance data at regular intervals.
  14. Visual Charts and Graphs: Present data visually through charts, graphs, and tables to make it easier to interpret and make informed decisions.
  15. Filters and Segmentation: Apply filters to segment data based on criteria like date ranges, product attributes, and customer characteristics for more in-depth analysis.
  16. Performance Benchmarks: Compare your store’s performance over time or against industry benchmarks to gauge your competitiveness.
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