
Blog Manager for WordPress

  • Free & Original product!
  • You will be given files that remain unaltered and unedited
  • 100% Clean Files & Free From Virus
  • Unlimited Domain Usage
  • Free New Version
  • Product Version : 2.01
  • Product Last Updated : 16.07.2019
  • License : GPL



WordPress themes sometimes offer limited options for blog layouts, styling, and content arrangement. However, the Blog Manager for WordPress significantly enhances the blog functionality of your WordPress-based website.

With this plugin, you can create multiple blog post lists with ease. It provides you with more than 20 templates to choose from, allowing you to select list content, modify layouts, and style your lists to match your desired look. You can place these lists anywhere on your site using the list’s shortcode or a widget.

Key Features:

  1. Wide Range of Templates: You have access to over 20 templates, including options like Grid (1-4 columns), Image left (1-2 columns), Image right (1-2 columns), Newspaper (2-3 columns), Time line, Widget style (image left, image right, image top), Slider, and Carousel (3-5 columns).
  2. Hover Styles: There are more than 15 hover styles to choose from for enhancing the appearance of your blog post images.
  3. Content Customization: You can select and rearrange various elements for each blog post list, such as the title, media, media type icon, meta data, excerpt text, continue reading link, and social media icons. A drag-and-drop interface makes this customization process effortless.
  4. Media Types: You can choose from various media types for your blog posts, including images, sliders, YouTube videos, Vimeo videos, and SoundCloud audio.
  5. List Configuration: Most settings come with default values, making it easy to create lists quickly. You can choose the posts for your list based on categories, tags, or authors. Additionally, you can configure options like order, pagination, link behavior, popups, excerpt length, hover style, and more.
  6. Flexible Placement: You can add your lists to different parts of your site, including the page/post content area (via the WYSIWYG editor), template files, or a sidebar. Each list has a shortcode for page/post content and a widget for sidebars.
  7. Pagination Options: The plugin offers three pagination options: regular pagination, a “load more” button, and infinite scroll.
  8. Styling: You can style your lists easily using the plugin’s options, including customization of titles, excerpts, continue reading links, and item backgrounds or borders. For advanced styling, custom CSS classes are available.
  9. Interface and Performance: The plugin is designed to seamlessly integrate with the core WordPress design and is optimized for high-performance even on large WordPress installations. It uses Ajax-based operations, reducing the need for page refreshes.
  10. Live Preview: You can preview changes in real-time as you customize your blog lists.
  11. Theme Integration: Theme authors and developers can include this plugin in their themes by obtaining an extended license.
  12. Translation/Localization: The plugin is localization-ready, following WordPress I18n standards, making it easy to translate into languages other than English.
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